What a week eh? The U.S. Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us but is anyone going anywhere? Some of the airports are actually looking busy, though with so many Covid cases, things are just getting nuts. And the current occupant of the White House looks more and more desperate trying to overturn the U.S. election with his enablers staying silent. What a troubling precedent. Let’s hope it’s put to rest soon.
Meanwhile President Obama’s memoirs came out this past week and I snagged a copy before it sold out at our local indie bookstore. It’s a beautiful book and I look forward to starting it. Apparently “A Promised Land” sold nearly 890,000 copies in the U.S. and Canada in its first 24 hours, while Michelle Obama’s book in 2018 sold 750,000 in its first day — both huge sellers that have helped the book industry stay vibrant, yay!

Also in book news, I see that one of my predictions came true: that Douglas Stuart’s debut novel “Shuggie Bain” won the Booker Prize this past week. I still hope to read the book, which has been in high demand at the library all year. It is said to be quite a bleak story about the working-class life of a young gay man and his alcoholic mother in Glasgow in the 1980s, uh-oh.
But my other predictions for the National Book Award for fiction and the Giller Prize were off by a mile: Rumaan Alam’s novel “Leave the World Behind” did not win the National Book Award nor did Emily St. John Mandel’s novel “The Glass Hotel” win the Giller.

So instead congrats to Charles Yu for winning the National Book Award for fiction for his satirical novel “Interior Chinatown” about an aspiring actor who confronts stereotypes in his quest to get better roles. Also kudos to Souvankham Thammavongsa for winning Canada’s Giller Prize for her short story collection “How to Pronounce Knife” that “traces the stories of immigrants building new lives far from home, straining against the mores of both societies as they search for a sense of belonging.” Check these out if you haven’t already. They sound good.
And now, I’ll leave you with a review of Rumaan Alam’s slow-burn thriller “Leave the World Behind,” which I finished as an audiobook this past week, read by the wonderful Marin Ireland. (Please note: I have recently picked up a freelance gig, reading and reviewing for a trade magazine, so it’s uncertain how much time I can find for my personal reading outside of that for this blog, but we will see as time goes on. Things are busy!)
Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam / Ecco / 241 pages / 2020

Yeah I went into this blind—not knowing much—which worked well. It starts out pretty simply and I wasn’t sure what the big deal was … a white family (Amanda, Clay, and their two teenage kids) is renting a secluded place in the Hamptons when the supposed owners—a prosperous older Black couple GH and his wife Ruth—return due to an apparent power outage on the East Coast.
Soon it appears that something has happened in the U.S. or globally, but nobody really knows what. Is it a disaster or is it an attack? All information has been cut off. Little by little the story beings to pull you in and feel a bit eerie. Flamingoes fly into the pool … and a migration of hundreds of deer show up in the woods nearby. What do the animals know? The families hunker down but then weird things begin to happen like a loud sonic sound outside … and the son Archie becomes sick. Then later more loud sounds. And still the two families don’t really know what is happening and become full of fear.
I thought the novel’s creep-factor and the interaction and dialogue between the two families are well done. The novel felt not only scary but also subtly satirical in places about these family members lives, making preconceived notions based on skin color and class … and how we’re all too connected to our phones—with a need for constant updated information—and are useless without them. There were times I laughed about how ridiculous the characters are or what they said or were thinking … despite the quiet horror of the situation. It’s weird that there’s a bit of uneasy humor even in times of fear but sometimes there is.
Kudos to the author for the interesting mix. Much of the writing is well done. Though I’m still wondering about the last chapter and whether it was a bit of a letdown and a cop-out. There are no easy answers to grasp onto here. So you might feel like chucking the novel against the wall when you finish. But yet it seems so timely and believable for this year … it feels like 2020 in many claustrophobic and fearful ways—the year of anything or everything bad. I think reviews were split on Goodreads, but I recommend this one.
That’s all for now. What about you—have you read any of these books mentioned—and what did you think?
Well, you are the first reviewer anywhere that has made me even consider reading Leave the World Behind. I was very happy for Charles Yu, since I have read and loved his book and of course it is a Los Angeles story too. I watched the NBA Awards show, COVID style, and was impressed by how well they did it.
Congrats on your free-lance gig. From experience I know you will be reading lots of upcoming releases and that should suit you just fine.
Thanksgiving? What is that again?
Everyone just stay home!
Hey Judy, I agree. The news showed a busy pic of the Phoenix airport which surprised me. How worrisome. The Charles Yu win was also surprising but in a good way – he seemed caught off guard too. But nice – for a new voice!
Thx about the freelance gig — I’m trying to stay above water and will see what I think. I’m liking it so far. I remember you did it as well, how long? As for the Alam novel – perhaps think of it more as a palette cleanser. It’s still in the thriller/popular fiction genre – so not really deep but the atmosphere stayed with me a bit … due to 2020 perhaps. Enjoy your turkey & holiday at home.
Leave the World Behind someone new so interesting. I like books about society level disaster. This one sounds ominous and atmospheric. I may give it a try.
I am glad that Obama’s book is doing so well.
Yeah Brian – it’s nice having Obama’s book come out now – while we’re dealing with the last admin’s gong show. He still inspires hope. And you’re right the Alam book — has a good eerie atmosphere about it. It’s a quick read. Enjoy your holiday.
First time visiting from Sunday Salon, will be following you!
I have Shuggie Bain and Chinatown on my wish list at the library, too. And I lust added Leave the World Behind. Feels like we have similar tastes in books.
We are in a lockdown starting tonight. So not socializing or travelling happening anytime soon.
So happy that you will be getting rid of that pathetic excuse for a president. Watched Obama on TV this week and his book sounds great.
Hi Jackie — thanks much for stopping by here! Your site looks great & I will be stopping by there soon; it does sound like we like similar books. Are you in the Toronto area? I’m also in Canada (Alberta) – an American arrived here by marriage. Sorry to hear about your lockdown … perhaps that will happen here soon. Have a safe and enjoyable week.
You asked me about Toronto’s lockdown. It is not drastic, for me.
You can read it here.
I do feel bad for the small retailers who had to close as this is their busiest/most productive time of year.
Thanks Jackie for the link. I’ve read through it and our premier is making an announcement at 4:30 p.m. today so it could be similar. Likely the only thing I’ll miss … is indoor tennis if that goes. We can get a lot by delivery etc. We’ll see. Stay well.
I read Shuggie Bain two weeks ago and just finished my review of it which will be published later. And I read and enjoyed Interior Chinatown early this year. It’s not surprising that President Obama’s book is doing so well. I would imagine it will break all records for presidential memoirs. I have Leave the World Behind in my reading queue but I’m not sure when I’ll get to it. After reading your review, I may have to move it up the line a bit.
Hi Dorothy, I’ll be interested to hear if you liked Shuggie Bain. It sounds pretty bleak & intense. I think I recall your review of the Yu novel. And yes, Obama’s book looks on track to shatter all prez memoirs. The Leave the World Behind is a quick read … a palette cleanser perhaps to heavier or longer reads. See what you think. Enjoy your week.
It’s such a wonderful feeling to see former President Obama’s memoir getting so much love. It took me forever to get Michelle Obama’s memoir at my library, and that’s a good thing, too.
I have heard great things about Shuggie Bain, so I’ll be eager to see what you think.
And thank you for the review of Leave the World Behind. I have that book here, and I’ve been waiting until the end of Nonfiction November to read it.
Hi Deb, I probably won’t get to Shuggie Bain for quite a while b/c I’m all stacked up at the moment. Still I’m interested in it. I think I had it earlier in the year from the library but then it became due to before I could read it …. isn’t that just my luck. Obama’s book I might read little by little over time …. Enjoy your holiday this week.
I’m on around page 100 of Obama’s book, which means I’ve barely started it since it’s 750 pages long! I’m loving it so far. I miss that man so much.
I’m on the hold list to get Interior Chinatown from the library. I liked his first book, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe but it was so strange that I didn’t review it. I didn’t know where to start! I wonder if this book is similar?
Congrats on your new gig!
Hey thanks Rachel. It’s great you’re already into the Obama book. I’m admiring my new copy & hope to start it soon. Not sure about the Chinatown novel — but I don’t think it’ll be as weird as his first one. A couple bloggers said it was good. I hope you are well … I’ll stop by your site to see what you’re reading. Stay well.
I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving, but I’m not going anywhere. I’m just going to eat a ton of food. The waitlist at the library for Obama’s book is massive. It’ll be a long time before I can read that one. I need to pick up Shuggie Bain too. I’ve seen it on a few award longlists. Have a great week!
Thanks AJ. I had to break down & buy the Obama book since the election year made me so frazzled. I also like to put sticky notes in it while I read. I’ve been on the library wait list for the Shuggie Bain novel since forever. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving & enjoy your feast!
It’s crazy to see how busy the airports are this week, especially after hearing the CDC’s request that people stay home. I’m seeing pictures on FB of friends who have relatives arriving for the holiday and it’s hard not to feel a little bit peeved (or jealous?) that they are going about their lives as if they aren’t living through the same pandemic that I am. Grrrr.
I’m looking forward to reading Obama’s book, but can’t decide whether to go with the print copy or listen to it on audio. Maybe I’ll do both!
I know nothing about Shuggie Bain, but after reading your brief blurb, it reminds me a little bit of John Boyne’s novel, The Heart’s Invisible Furies. That is a great book!
I haven’t read Leave the World Behind, but it’s in my audiobook queue. Just need to finish American Dirt and then I’ll start in on it.
Congrats on your new job! Which magazine are you writing for? Do they have a digital edition? I’d love to check it out.
Take care, Susan. Hope your folks are doing ok in CA.
Thanks Lesley. Great to hear from you. My bro is with my folks this week in CA which is nice. I too saw a pic of the Phoenix airport which looked pretty busy; I was really surprised since the virus cases are everywhere. The Obama book should be great in both formats though I’m glad I have a print copy to make sticky notes. I’ll be curious to see what you think of Leave the World Behind. hmm. It might not over-wow you — but it is a bit unsettling. My review job is with Publishers Weekly … mostly covering nonfiction memoirs (so far). It’ll be a good learning experience and seems to have sped up my reading in the middle of the night, ha. Enjoy the holiday, take care!
Congrats on the freelance gig! I always enjoy your reviews.
I also snagged up a copy for me and a copy for my parents of Obama’s new book. Just started it and am just trying to savor it for the rest of the year. Scary times.
I am looking forward to Shuggie Bain. But not sure when I’ll be in the mood for a more depressing story…or maybe it’ll be just what I need to get out of the present. I wonder if it’s anything like Angela’s Ashes, which I really enjoyed.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and that you stay healthy and your loved ones as well. We’re staying at home and just trying to ride the surging wave rather than succumb. Hugs.
Hey thanks Heather, so nice of you to say. Glad you’re staying home & avoiding Covid. And it’s great to hear you already started the Obama book – I haven’t had the chance yet but I’m admiring my copy – beautiful. Shuggie Bain does look bleak — not sure when I’ll get to it. We did have Canadian Thanksgiving in Oct., but I’m thinking my husband might get another turkey for this week. I hope your holiday is fantastic! & I’ll stop by your site to see what’s up. Cheers.
Fall break came at just the right time for me and most teachers; I was feeling pretty exhausted. Only a few days in and I am feeling much better! It’s a weird holiday for us this year with my mom coming home from the hospital after a surgery and my daughter and I isolating until we get our Covid test results at the end of the week (we got them since she flew home from college last Friday).
Hi Helen, I’m glad you can all be together this week & will cross my fingers your Covid test will be negative which I’m sure it will. It seems you need to rest up this week during the holiday. I hope your daughter’s semester at school went well & your mother has a speedy recovery. Have a wonderful turkey day & time together. Stay well.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. So nice to see Obama’s book out there–just cheers me up seeing it gracing so many bloggers’ pages.
Interior Chinatown appeals to me–I like the premise. Will put it on my tbr list.
Hi Jane, yeah the Obama book is going to be a good read. Perhaps it offers some hope and calmness from what we’ve recently experienced. And I was totally surprised Interior Chinatown won the National Book Award … wow. I will look at getting it anew as well. Enjoy your weekend.
I won’t say much about the ending of Leave the World Behind because of spoilers but I felt it was pretty realistic and sad. It was such a tense read, wasn’t it? When the one thing happens with the son, I was losing it. As a parent I would have freaked.
Obama. I didn’t realize his new one is in two parts. I shall pick it up at some point. Many stores had stacks and stacks of copies available so that was heartwarming to see.
I requested Interior Chinatown from the library. I enjoyed his last book so I look forward to this new one.
Your freelance gig!! Congrats. That is pretty awesome.
Everything here is okay. I go back to work tomorrow, remotely of course. It’s hard to even think about work after so many days off but soon I will have much more time off. I don’t want to rush it. I want to enjoy every minute because this time next year I will be back on campus and overworked I’m sure.
Hey Ti – good to hear from you. I hope your re-start of work goes smoothly. It’s hard to believe it’s nearing Christmas etc. I really ended up liking Leave the World Behind which really surprised me …. I didn’t expect it from the beginning, but I got lured in & creeped out along the way. Funny how a simple short tale can make an impact. Enjoy your week.
Congratulations on the freelance gig! Lucky you! 😛 I feel tempted to include this book on my TBR, but my pile is about to topple over. 🙂 I had no doubt Obama’s memoir was going to do well, so many people wish him back!
Carmen — the freelance gig is really keeping me busy – so my personal reading will suffer but that’s what happens. Still it’s a good change – as I had stopped my full-time job back in 2010 (how time flies). Leave the World Behind is a quick short book — maybe in January put it up. I didn’t think much of it at the start but slowly got pulled in. And the Obama book will take me forever at this point. Enjoy your eggnog! ha.