Hi. I hope everyone is hanging in there. Isn’t it strange that things can get busy this holiday season even though we’re pretty much in a strict lockdown. There’s no get-togethers or much open (even the tennis facilities here have shutdown for a month), but there’s still holiday cards to do, decorating, online shopping, Zoom calls, and baking if you’re into that. I’m still working on our small Christmas tree (at left), which I was able to put into the car and take home this week. It needs some ornaments and love.
The good news too is that the first shipment of the vaccine will roll out in our city next Wednesday to health-care workers; it’s just 3,900 doses but still it’s a start … that hope is on the way. And tomorrow on Saturday we’re headed to a cabin in the mountains for a few days at a remote place that offers many miles of cross-country ski trails where we can cruise with our dog. It’s our Christmas gift — this winter getaway. It’ll probably be around 20F as the high so we’ll have to wear layers and bring our gear.
In book news, there’s many Best Of Lists out already. I won’t have my list of favorites out till closer to New Year’s, but here are some lists below to whet your appetite:
The New York Times’ 10 Best Books of 2020
The Washinton Post’s 10 Best Books of 2020
The Los Angeles Times’ 10 Best Books of 2020
Publishers Weekly Top 10 Books of 2020
The Goodreads Choice Award Winners 2020
And now I’ll leave you with a couple of reviews of audiobooks I finished lately. (I’ve been busy reading memoirs for my freelance gig; most of which have been self-published books for an in-house contest, but if my reviews of the traditional published ones come out, I’ll let you know.)
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy / Flatiron Books / 272 pages / 2020

Often I get to my favorite novels of the year in December … go figure, but it happens. And this novel by an Australian author will likely make my year-end list. Kudos to Charlotte McConaghy for blasting me out of my stupor of run-of-the-mill books. It’s a bit of a dark and sad tale but it fits so well into the milieu of 2020 that you can’t imagine it anywhere else.
“Migrations” features Franny Stone — quite a flawed but equally alluring protagonist who hopes to follow the Arctic terns on their last migration from Greenland to Antarctica … as climate change is wrecking havoc and many species on the planet are becoming extinct. She manages to talk her way onto a fishing boat and there ingratiates herself with Captain Ennis and the crew to follow the terns south in hopes that the birds will lead them to a big catch of fish. The narrative follows the crew’s adventurous journey and also alternates chapters with Franny‘s past life in Galway, Ireland, about growing up with her mother, and how she comes to meet the love of her life ornithologist professor Niall Lynch.
Niall is kind and patient with the very lonely Franny and the two make quite a match … but nothing’s ever easy and Franny’s life is filled with dark holes. In time you come to find she’s serving a prison sentence of some sort… but you don’t know why … until — along with the sea journey’s endgame — it becomes clear near the end of the book.
Ohh the novel is quite a love story between Franny and Niall and also with nature itself … those beloved birds and the end of the animal kingdom, which the ugliness of humans have made extinct. There’s some beautiful writing along the way and you come to feel you’re on the boat and you’re traveling alongside Franny as she and Captain Ennis and the crew endure some dangerous episodes at sea on their expedition south. The alternating chapters of Franny’s days with Niall and her past leading up to getting on the boat are equally fetching … and sad like a dagger to the heart.
I recommend the audio read by Barrie Kreinik who seems to nail the narration of Franny Stone so well. It’s a book that will leave you with a gut punch and an Antarctic wind that’ll blow straight through you.
These Women by Ivy Pochoda / Ecco / 352 pages / 2020

I appear to be in the minority about how much to like this murder mystery/crime novel set in south Los Angeles … which has received a lot of very high ratings on Goodreads. It features six women (a mother who lost her daughter, a young dancer, a survivor, a vice cop, an artist, and a witness) whose lives have all been impacted in some way by the acts of a serial killer who 15 years ago killed 13 women (mostly prostitutes) … and who has recently resurfaced to kill again.
Yikes it is a pretty gritty bleak story, which I listened to as an audiobook, and perhaps the timing of it just wasn’t right for me being near the holidays. It’s not exactly happy stuff but is filled with hard lives on the streets kind of thing, making a buck anyway they can and being murdered by a violent nut.
Some of the writing of the various female characters and the often R-rated language and dialogue seemed authentic and capturing. I was drawn into these women’s worlds (like it or not) and it sort of reminded me of the real-life Grim Sleeper case in Los Angeles … but then it seemed also to diverge from that. The ending, which somehow I hung on for, is creepy and the atmosphere is heightened by the wildfires ravaging the hillsides. Goodness I will have to take a break now … and delve into something a bit lighter and happier. Still I have wanted to try L.A. author Ivy Pochoda for a long while now and so finally I have. She has a feminist take to her crime story that makes it more unique and welcomed.
That’s all for now. What about you — have you read these books or authors and if so, what did you think? I’m sending a virtual hug and thanks to my blogging & reading friends whose messages have kept me going this past year and a very Happy Holidays & stay well wishes to you all!
I got the print version of Migrations from the library but, decided to wait for the audio – glad you loved it. Have a wonderful getaway – sounds fun. Quite a few of the same books on the Best of 2020 lists. I’ve read 3-4 on these Bests Lists and enjoyed them; Hamnet, The Vanishing Half, Hidden Valley Road and listening to A Promised Land now. Have a nice holiday.
Hi Diane : that’s great you’ve read quite a few on these Lists. I still need to get to Hamnet and Obama’s book. I hope you like Migrations on audio. It could be a wee depressing but see what you think. Enjoy your holidays too!
Great reviews, Susan! I do want to read Migrations someday. I just finished Night Boat to Lisbon for a reading group next week. Very wow, very Irish but so so dark.
Have a great time on your getaway. I have been texting with a niece today who is pregnant for the first time and due on May 30. They live near Truckee and we plan to make a road trip over there in June if the vaccine does its magic.
Hi Judy — I’m hopeful that the vaccine will do its magic by June. Right now it’s a mess in L.A. so don’t think I can go there in January. I know you are staying safe. I’ll have to get to The Night Boat to Lisbon (or Tangier?) – I’m quite curious despite its darkness. I hope you get to Migrations /sort of a shorter quick read, but a bit brutal too. Hmm. Still it fits with 2020. Enjoy your holidays!
oh yes, Night Boat to Tangier.
sounds good to me
Though we may be in for a bad couple of months, hopefully the light of the end of the tunnel is appearing in the form of the vaccines.
Migration sounds like it is worth the read. It also looks like it might be a bit disturbing.
Hi Brian: yes Migrations is a bit disturbing … especially since mass extinctions are ongoing and climate change is wrecking havoc. I should put that in the review. I feel more hopeful that the vaccines are rolling out now …. but we are still get deliveries & not going out to stores here. Just too many cases. Be careful where you are. & Happy holidays.
One of the things I love most about the end of the year is checking out the Best-of lists. Thank you for linking to these early lists.
I thought Migrations was exceptional, but, upon checking, I seem to have left it off my list of favorite reads of 2020. It was brilliant and surprising and completely fresh but it was terribly bleak. Best of 2020 for me? Yes. Favorite of 2020? No. Nevertheless, I feel like I need to go back and add it, even if I have to put an asterisk by it.
Hi Deb, thanks for your thoughts about Migrations. I know what you mean. There were times when the character Franny really ticked me off and I wanted her to snap to it and be responsible & happy with Niall etc. So I didn’t always like her … but then she seems psychologically affected or challenged. hmm.
I need to read much more on these Best Of Lists. Wishing you very happy peaceful holidays. with a better 2021 ahead.
Franny was definitely a character that wasn’t easy to like. But strangely realistic.
I agree ! Somehow she still captured me in the story.
I’ve heard so many good things about Migrations and it’s been recommended to me by two people who know my reading tastes, so I’m looking forward to reading it. Don’t know if will be before the end of the year, but I’ll definitely get to it. I don’t think I’ll be adding the Pochoda book to my reading list though.
Hi Dorothy: I hope you like Migrations when you get to it, since you’re a bird fan. It’s a pretty quick (sad) book but it left an impression. The Pochoda book was too much for me. Have an enjoyable week!
I like your tree so far! We’re getting ours tomorrow, which for me always signals the start of the holiday season. I hope you have a wonderful time squirreled away in your remote cabin; this is the perfect year and time for a trip like that. I have one more week before our winter break.
Thanks Helen, the tree is a work in progress. Hope you find a good one! The cabin is a good getaway … peaceful and pretty. Sounds great that you’ll be done and have a winter break in a week. Enjoy your holidays!
Hope you have a lovely holiday time! Sounds like a great plan. Your tree is very pretty, even if it’s not ‘finished’ yet. Ha! Enjoy your Christmas gift to yourselves. And the vaccine seems to be coming before long. Hope all goes well as our medical people (including our daughter) will be some of the first to get it. I’m looking forward to 2021! Take care!
Thanks Kay — That’s great your daughter is getting the vaccine soon! I hope you all have a lovely holiday where you are. & Glad tidings for 2021. Hope seems to be on the horizon with the vaccine. Stay well.
Beautiful tree! Glad you are all able to get out for a winter holiday. That sounds heavenly. We will be staying in. But we always stay in for Christmas. But the thing that’s different this year is New Year’s. My friend and her family moved away a couple of years ago and we’ve been getting together for New Year’s every year and this will be the first year we can’t do that. It’s really hitting home this holiday season.
I tried to make Peppermint bark but couldn’t find peppermint extract and went with mint…ha ha! It ended up as toothpaste bark. Epic baking failure this year…
I’ve heard so many good things about Migrations. I may pick that up in January after my holiday reading. And These Women is getting all the buzz too. It made it to top crime reads of the year as well. I may have to wait on that one, though. Sounds bleak.
I hope you have a lovely week!
Hey thanks Heather. Yeah the 2nd book / the crime one was a bit too much for me! But I really liked Migrations. Sorry to hear of your epic baking failure … but I’m sure with your next baking venture you will bounce back. And I agree it’s going to be weird & subdued this holiday season without get-togethers. Perhaps though hope is on the way with the vaccine and we can have the get-togethers sometime in 2021 … Regardless I wish you much happiness this Christmas & safe health to your family.
Your tree is lovely even without the ornaments.
It IS a little busy these days but just one or two things puts me in a spin. This week two Zoom parties, dental appts for myself and the Hub and my daughter’s audition which means we have to be out of the house on Sunday.
I have shopping to do but it won’t get done. I hit Target for one small item and it was an absolute mad house. Clearly, no one is taking the shutdown seriously and there is no way Target kept it to 20% capacity. I went to the park to take the pup for a walk and it was crazy there too. No parking, even. Everyone out and about without masks. My son is not coming for Christmas and he ended up needing some furniture for his new pad so his gifts are done. My daughter is so easy to buy for but I missed the deadline to ensure a speedy delivery. My son has Prime but then I would have to ask him to order stuff.
I am on vacation now and just need to relax. My phone died without warning so I spent the weekend getting another, setting it up and the like. And now, I have to go to the market. LOL. Help me.
Uh-oh Ti. Sounds like too much going at once there. Stay away from the box stores. & Shop online when you can. I know how Christmas can be stressful … try to pare it down if you can. I think your family will understand. Too crazy this year … with Covid. Safety comes first. Stay away from the crowds! I don’t think I’ll be able to get to Calif. in January as the cases there right now are too crazy. I hope the vaccines roll out quickly. take care & happy holidays.
Thanks for the links to the best of lists – it’s hard to believe it’s that time already! Have a great getaway!
Thanks Rachel: we are enjoying the winter getaway! The days are speeding by …and soon New Year’s will be upon us. Happy holidays to you & your family! & thanks for your reviews on your site this year. I enjoyed them.
Have fun in your getaway, and good wishes for this holiday season to you and yours as well. I’ve seen Migrations in year’s end “best lists” but so far it didn’t catch my attention; your review changed that, now I want to read it. The other is much too dark for me right now.
Thanks Carmen : we just arrived back home after 4 days in the mountains. Quite a winter wonderland there. I was surprised by liking Migrations so much – perhaps it was the boat trip the character has — though she is quite flawed so drove me a bit crazy in some regards. But still a bit taken by the scope of it. And I would agree : the crime novel was way too much for me. I hope you & your mother are well … and will have enjoyable holidays.
I’ve seen Migrations around but didn’t really know what it’s about. Now I have a better idea.
I am trying not to look at all the “best for 2020” lists. Yet. Let me just try to get through the 4 books I still want to read in the next 2.5 weeks….! Otherwise I am just getting more distracted again!
Happy Holidays and thanks so much for stopping by.
Elza Reads
Thanks Mareli — gosh just 2.5 weeks till the end of the year?! Hard to believe, the last two months have flown. Much to read in 2021 … & we start again with a blank slate. I will read some of these Best Of books next year. Till then we can read what we want. Happy Holidays to you, your fur-babies & husband. Cheers.
I am planning to put out my best of posts during the last week of the year, which I just realized, is not very far away. I actually haven’t put any thought to what my favorites have been – a few names are jumping out to me at the moment, so that’s good.
These Women sounds like it could be a very compelling read but I can also see how it can be a hit or miss. I’ll keep it on my radar but may not pick it anytime soon.
If you are still at the cabin, I hope you are having a great time! Happy holidays!
Thanks Athira, we are back now from the cabin — it was a nice winter getaway! We are about to get a big snowstorm today so will see about that. Yeah These Women is quite a gritty crime tale but I guess the timing around Thanksgiving didn’t totally work for me. I will stop by and see your Best Of post at the end of the month. These days are going by too quickly! Happy holidays to you too!
Finally sitting down to catch up on your blog! I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I guess I’ll read about it as I make my way to your most recent post. 🙂
I have Migrations on my audio list and am considering it for my book group. It certainly has hit a lot of “Best of 2020” lists, so I suspect it would make a good book to discuss. I’m limited to 2 nominations and have about 2 dozen to sort through!
Yes thanks Lesley, our Christmas was nice but quiet — we went for a ski & then opened gifts & later had a couple Zoom chats. It was a pleasant day considering all what many families are going through these days. I hope you like the Migrations audio…. it’s a bit bleak but somehow took me with it. I thought the narrator/reader did a good job with it. Enjoy the rest of this holiday week!