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A Perfect Getaway

This is sort of one of those crazy summer movies you go to that’s a bit suspenseful and ridiculous but you can’t help liking the scary action all the same. It’s about a couple who celebrate their honeymoon by backpacking to a remote beach on the island of Kauai. Everything seems fine until they hear from some hikers about a double murder of a newlywed couple back in Honolulu and they consider turning back. But they decide to go on and end up joining another couple along the hike whose weirdness in time makes them question if they’re the murderers. Without giving too much away, things get pretty nutty after that. And the ending, itself, is pretty laughable (not sure it makes a lot of sense). But still the action shots of the two athletic couples on the tropical Kauai are hard not to see through. Actor Steve Zahn is the only one I really recognize of the bunch. The film apparently was shot in Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Kauai, and despite all its murderous villainery, makes you want to go hike the tropics after seeing it. Continue reading
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The Hurt Locker

“The rush of battle is a potent and often lethal addiction, for war is a drug,” states a quote from war correspondent Chris Hedges at the beginning of “The Hurt Locker.”
The action-packed war film set in Iraq in 2004 is a hair-raising adrenaline rush that follows three members of Bravo Company’s bomb disposal unit as they work to defuse a series of IEDs, or roadside bombs, in the streets of Iraq, all the while trying not to be picked off by insurgent gunfire.
There’s Spec. Owen Elderidge (Brian Geraghty), who’s a bundle of nerves and seemingly out of his element, and Sgt. J.T. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie), a professional who follows protocols and procedures in the best hope of getting out alive.
Then there’s Staff Sgt. William James (Jeremy Renner), a replacement to the unit’s previous bomb-technician leader who is killed in an explosion. James comes off initially as a cocky bastard considered “reckless” by the others and hell-bent on a death wish. But he also has what it takes to disarm even the most sinister bombs, and in time a more caring side of him comes through.
The film follows the threesome unit as they start a 38-day rotation on a handful of nerve-racking missions, wherein James’s disengaging of bomb wires is undoubtedly the scariest moments to watch. Renner gives a gripping performance as Staff Sgt. James, the risk-taker and adrenaline junkie whose disregard for protocol rubs the others raw.
“The Hurt Locker” is a powerful film due to its authenticity and its script. Written by journalist Mark Boal, who was embedded in Iraq with a bomb squad, and shot close to the Iraq border in Jordan, the film plunges viewers into feeling what war is like, and the risks soldiers take. Except for small roles by Ralph Fiennes and Guy Pierce, the other actors in it are relative unknowns, and don’t distract from the film’s realistic war story and look. I found “The Hurt Locker” quite intense and effective, but for those who don’t care for men and war films, it’s perhaps not meant for everyone. Continue reading
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The Hangover

I’m still laughing after seeing this movie about a groom and his three groomsmen who road-trip to Vegas for the bachelor party; whereupon they wake up the next morning not remembering the night before, nor where the groom is, and have to try to retrace their tracks to find him in time for the wedding. The groomsmen share equally pretty funny roles, and even a tiger-owning Mike Tyson makes an appearance.
It’s pretty hysterical and I was quite dubious beforehand, thinking it would be just the same old buddy genre of immature men, bathroom humor and bad taste, without much behind it. But “Hangover” is pleasantly and surprisingly more than that. It’s still crazy, for sure, utterly nutty and far from politically correct, but there’s some substance here and some genuinely funny humor, making it a thoroughly entertaining wild ride — sure to be the summer’s hit for laughs. So get a babysitter, or do what you have to do, and get thee to a theater. You deserve a corrupt break like this.
ps. It’s safe to say the movie gets a strong R rating if you’re wondering about the kiddies etc. Continue reading
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The movie “Fighting” is likable in a small-film-kind-of way. It’s not great, nor perhaps the most believable of plots, but it is still entertaining and attention drawing. It involves 20-something Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum) from Alabama who lives in N.Y.C. selling wares on the street until he bumps into hustler Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard) who introduces him into the underground world of fight clubs as a way of making money. If you’re expecting “Fight Club,” from 1999, you’ll be a bit disappointed. It’s not exactly like that, nor does it have as creative a screenplay, or feature as many fights. In fact, there’s only four in “Fighting.” But they seem pretty good. The actor, Channing Tatum, apparently broke his nose filming one of the fight scenes. So the sequences seem fairly realistic and suspenseful, but not overly scary. The film, after all, is rated PG-13, not R. Terrence Howard is quite good in his role as the kid’s fight manager. And Tatum, whose career seems to be on the rise, looks just fine as the hunky Alabama brawler with a troubled past. There are some nice shots of N.Y.C. (though mostly skyline types) and an upbeat soundtrack that keeps things moving. The filming is not perfect (the boom microphone appears in at least one of the scenes at the top of the screen), but by the end, “Fighting” does manage to throw a small, enjoyable punch. Continue reading
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State of Play

The political thriller “State of Play” couldn’t be missed for its journalism perspective and its shots of D.C. And come on, a cast of Russell Crowe, Helen Mirren, Jeff Daniels, Ben Affleck, Robin Wright Penn – it couldn’t be too bad right? A pudgy (okay fat) Russell Crowe plays Cal McAffrey, an old-school print reporter who teams up with online rookie columnist Della Frye (Rachel McAdams) to cover a string of murders, including the death of a congressman’s mistress. So far so good, but as time goes on, the plot gets wackily convoluted and preposterous amid scenes of corruption, mercenaries for hire, and cover-up, not to mention those having a conflict of interest for Cal in reporting on his old college pal, Congressman Stephen Collins (played by Affleck). Pretty soon you just have to go with “State of Play,” crazy or not, and enjoy it for what you can. Its angle on the newspaper biz remains interesting for those nostalgic for the heyday of print journalism. Perhaps Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post touched on that best, when she wrote:
“State of Play’s” final montage, a loving valentine to old-fashioned newspapering with its clanging presses … plays like a sepia-toned anthropological documentary about a vanishing indigenous people. But, at least for members of that bloodied and battered tribe, it’s impossible not to be touched. In some distant future, when newsprint has long disappeared and people get their news and movies by way of a biologically embedded chip, at least they’ll know that attention, once, was paid. On behalf of ink-stained wretches everywhere: Thanks for caring, guys!” Continue reading
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