Hi. We are getting some heavy rain today, which we haven’t seen in months. It’s been very dry. So we are happy … and happy too that it isn’t snow. Yesterday the doggies went hiking with my husband. And pictured here is Willow, so pleased with herself to be on top of the mountain with them. It’s been six weeks now that’s we’ve had Willow and she’s doing well … still learning and going to puppy classes. Her favorite things are chasing the ball (hundreds of times in a row), having her tummy rubbed, being patted endlessly, and chewing whatever toy is in reach.
Meanwhile we indulged in much sci-fi this week, which is very unusual considering I’m not typically a science fiction fan, but I guess there are exceptions. On Thursday, we went to the Opening Night at the theater of the new movie Dune, which is an epic feature, and early in the week we also started the TV series Foundation on Apple+, based on the Isaac Asimov sci-fi books. So I guess I’ve gone galactic recently. Not sure what is happening.

We hadn’t been to a movie theater since 2019, and overall it seemed quite safe as we weren’t sitting near anyone. Dune was worth going to see on the big screen. Timothee Chalamet does a good job playing Paul, the son of a noble family who travel to the planet Arrakis to rule and manage the very valuable spice production, but unfortunately things don’t go exactly as planned. Arrakis is quite the desert wasteland, and it’s more than just hot (the inhabitants need to recycle their own sweat) … but worse are the giant sand worms who live underground. So beware. Just don’t make a sound and you might make it.
I remembered a bit from the Frank Herbert novel, which I read back in the 1980s. I can’t tell you any more of what happens, but you should see it. It’s quite a production and the cinematography is awesome. The movie covers only half the book so there will be a sequel to cover the rest.
Also this week I finished the audiobook of Nella Larsen’s 1929 short novel Passing. I’m pretty sure I first learned of this classic last year from JoAnn’s review of it over at her blog Lakeside Musing. It piqued my interest since I liked Brit Bennett’s novel The Vanishing Half last year, which has some of the same themes and plot turns in it involving race and class.

Larsen’s novel is about two black childhood friends in New York — Irene and Clare who have been out of contact for 12 years when Clare gets back in touch wanting to visit Irene. Soon Irene comes to learn Clare is secretly racially “passing” as white and has a white husband, who does not know her true identity and makes a terrible scene in front of them. Yikes. Irene, who is married to a doctor, doesn’t want to be involved with Clare or the risks she poses, though Clare misses Harlem and wants to return to the culture and her old friends.
It’s more of a complex tale than you initially think, and Irene turns out a pretty conniving friend as time goes on. It’s clear these two friends have taken different paths in life regarding race and marriage. And even though you can sense what might happen early on, the ending is still palpable and a bit of a surprise.
It’s hard to believe I hadn’t heard of this novel or author before last year. Though a revival of her writing has been underway for awhile. As for her life, it seems Nella Larsen, who grew up in Chicago and moved to New York in 1914 to go to nursing school, worked as a nurse for years, then as a librarian, and later took a leave to write her first novel, becoming active as well in Harlem’s arts community.
Tragically later in life after a divorce, Larsen left Harlem and her writing behind and returned to nursing before dying in 1964 at age 72. It’s sad to think that this author with such promise put out two novels and then struggling with depression and life’s circumstances stopped writing all together. Ugh. Only now some of us are just starting to learn of her. Still there’s a movie coming of Passing soon … and I’m looking forward to seeing it with actresses Tessa Thompson as Irene and Ruth Negga as Clare. Don’t miss it.
That’s all for now. What about you — have you read this author or seen the sci-fi mentioned — and if so, what did you think? Happy Halloween preparations.
Your Willow is a cutie; glad all is going well. My daughters family added a dog to the household last weekend, an Australian Shepard — Millie.
Passing sounds so interesting. I loved The Vanishing Half as well.
Have a nice week.
Thanks Diane. We’ve been pleased that adding a second dog hasn’t been incredibly hard. Willow has been helpful in that way. I thought your daughter’s new dog Millie was very cute! I think you’d like the novel Passing. Very short too. Enjoy.
Willow certainly looks content 🙂
I read Dune as a teen but my memories of it are vague. I’ll probably watch the movie eventually when it migrates to a streaming platform
Wishing you a great reading week
Thanks Shelleyrae: Yeah I was foggy about Dune the book too … but I was surprised how much I remembered when I saw it. I think you’ll like it. Have a great week.
Aww, look at the dog! She’s so cute! I miss my retrievers. We conquered a lot of mountains together. My current dog has arthritis and epilepsy, so we can’t go far from home.
Hi AJ: sorry to hear of your dog. Just breaks one’s heart to see a dog in pain right? Our other dog is now 9 years old and her legs are getting a bit of arthritis sigh. But she is very stoic. Our new dog Willow is very enthusiastic about everything ha. Have a great week.
I learned about Passing from JoAnn’s blog as well and since I also loved The Vanishing Half, I read it last year. The ending really did surprise me. Looking forward to the movie version.
Love the doggie photo–looks like a real sweetie!
Happy Halloween!
Thanks Jane. Yeah Willow is a sweetie — she’s wimpy and just wants l.o.v.e. Ha. Glad you liked Passing as well. The movie should be very good. I knew the ending might be coming but I was still surprised. Enjoy your Halloween as well!
We’ve started watching “Foundation” as well and are enjoying it so far. My daughters and I have a date to go see “Dune” next week, but my younger daughter, who is not a patient person, jumped the gun and watched it on tv on Friday. She reports it is terrific and she’s still looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.
Ha. Dorothy. Your daughter jumped the gun on Dune. It is quite excellent so I hope you enjoy it. We are liking Foundation as well … though sometimes I’m a little confused on side plots. But I’m managing. Have a great week.
Oh Willow is adorable! You know, I always say I don’t like sci-fi too much but when it comes to films, I actually really enjoy it. Glad to hear you enjoyed Dune and I am looking forward to it. I’ve been hearing a lot about Passing and would love to read it. Sounds like a wonderful classic which should be more well-known.
Thanks Iliana. Yeah it surprises me to like sci-fi sometimes — usually I avoid it especially in books. I hope you like Dune — it’s quite a spectacle. Passing is a quick read & pretty affecting. Have a great week.
We are hoping to see Dune soon. Our son and his wife saw it and said it was excellent. I am not a sci-fi fan either, but often end up enjoying it.
Passing sounds intriguing. I have seen that theme – racially passing as white – come up in several books recently.
Have a great week!
Thanks Gretchen. Yeah it wasn’t until only the last couple years that I even knew what “passing” was. I didn’t know about it but even in the 1920s it was going on, hmm. I’m glad your son & daughter-in-law liked Dune too. Audiences seem to be enjoying it. It was fun to watch such a big production. Enjoy your books.
It’s been over a year and I still think about Passing… and the ending! I’m glad you enjoyed it, too. Can’t wait to see the movie when it comes to Netflix on November 10th. Her first novel, Quicksand, is still on my list.
Willow is just so cute! Glad she’s settling in with her new pack… how’s Stella adjusting?
Hi JoAnn: Yeah I wondered about Larsen’s first novel Quicksand and what it’s about. It’s too bad she didn’t finish her last novel … as it seems she once was working on one. Passing was quite moving, and the ending was eerie. The movie should be great.
Willow is a sweet dog. But Stella often seems annoyed by the young one. Still she is doing her best to remain patient. They are learning to live with one another. I think Willow looks up to Stella. Stella needs some space at times which we give her. They are doing better than we thought. A bit of a balancing act. Cheers.
We’ve been told that Dune is on one of the streaming services as well as in the theaters, so we hope to see it soon on tv. Covid is still a big issue here and I haven’t gotten my booster yet.
Passing sounds like an intriguing read by an intriguing author. How sad that she stopped writing.
Love the photo of your Willow!
Thanks Deb. Willow is a fun addition for us. Good idea … to see Dune at home. We were lucky that when we went last Thursday … the theater was pretty empty. It’s a nice option to have it streaming at home at the same time. I’ve had my booster that helps too.
I agree that Nella Larsen had an intriguing life … she was quite industrious and then at the end something changed sadly. I’m curious of her first novel Quicksand. Hmm. Will check the library. Have a great week.
You’ve gone galactic. That cracked me up.
I want to read Dune before seeing the movie but everyone tells me it’s not a book to read quickly so I may just see the movie first. I don’t want to stall my reading by getting hung up on a complex read.
Willow looks quite content with herself. I am glad she is doing well.
The atmospheric river has hit my parts and it’s supposed to downpour today. Flooding predicted. So far it’s a nice, steady rain.
Hi Ti, I’m curious how much rain you’ll get there. Northern Calif. was hit hard, but not sure about Southern Cal. My brother lives in Pasadena so he checks in every once in awhile.
I think Dune the book is quite a long involving read … that could take quite awhile, so maybe just seeing the movie is a good idea. I’ll be curious to hear what you think of it. Willow is a funny dog so far. We are trying to keep up with her. It’s been a long while since we had a young dog. So much energy! Enjoy your week.
I’d love to see snow, I miss it so much.
Willow is adorable!
I bought Passing a long time ago but haven’t read it yet. After reading your thoughts I may start it tomorrow.
I hope you have a good week!
Thanks Vicki. I’m sure we’ll be getting snow soon enough. We are liking a pretty warm October for a change. The novel Passing is quite short and goes pretty quickly. You’ll be done in no time with it. Have fun this week.
Hooray for rain and not snow! We are getting quite a bit of rain, too, but the big storm (cyclone bomb) brought very strong winds (65mph gusts), but no trees fell in our area, thank goodness! That’s always a concern when you live in a forest.
I’m glad to hear that Dune is a winner. I know we’ll watch it eventually, but probably at home rather than in a theater. My husband and I both enjoy scifi movies and series. Did you ever watch the updated Battle Star Galactica? It’s so good and I’m tempted to watch it again.
Sweet picture of Willow. She looks like a good girl!
Thanks Lesley. Yeah Willow is sweetheart, though quite overly enthusiastic at times. She’s getting the hang of our routine. Dune will be streaming on TV too so you can see it whenever. I didn’t see the updated Battle Star G but I might hold off on it for a bit. Too much sci fi at the moment for me. I hope you like Dune.
I’m glad your area didn’t get too clobbered by the cyclone bomb. Seems crazy how much water came all at once. We got a day’s worth of rain and might get more this Friday. Hope your cove sees the sun. Have a great week.
I am not a sci-fi person either, but I have heard good things about the movie Dune.
And, I’ve also heard good things about the novel Passing so may have to give it a go. As the year comes to an end, I start to feel panicky about not getting all the reading done that I want to. Why don’t I just relax and realize that January 1 is not different from December 31 and there is still time to read whatever I want?!
Yeah Helen, it’s okay to take the books into next year. I get panicky too … but better just to relax about it. Though it’s easier said, than done.
Dune was pretty enjoyable … and fun to try it at the theater. Passing is quite a short novel! So it’s pretty quick. Have a great week.
It’s wonderful to have a dog. We haven’t had one in many years. Willow looks very cute and happy. I think I would like the book, Passing and will look into it . Thanks.Like your, I’m not much into Sci-Fi. I have not been to a movie theatre since Covid and do not think I’m ready- the movie sounds good, thought.
Hi Judee: yeah luckily the theater was pretty empty. But it’s understandable to wait till things improve.
Having both a young and old dog now is busy but fun. They are quite personalities and get us out. I can take sci-fi in small doses but these shows were pretty good. Happy Halloween to you!
I sent a comment but it seems it didn’t go through. Cute Willow. Kudos to Stella for accommodating her the best she can. 😉 I saw Dune at home and wasn’t impressed—I know, sacrilege. 😮 I rented the earlier version to compare. I want to watch Passing; it made a splash on the festival circuit, so I hope it’s good. I’m glad you liked the novel.
Hi Carmen, hope my site didn’t eat your first comment. I’ve been having technical difficulties lately so not sure what’s going on. Let me know if it’s acting up. A bit surprised you didn’t like Dune but perhaps the big screen made it a bit larger & sort of fun to see. Did it seem too predictable to you? Perhaps the plot is. The book has a bit more. Perhaps the movie is a bit plodding. but enough techno aspects to keep it going. Since we don’t have Netflix we might have to see Passing at the theater too. We’ll see if it comes here. Have a great week.
Dune was not too predictable, I just wasn’t into it emotionally, which is the way I assign ratings. I gave it a 3*, but I see how seeing it at the theater can make a difference, for it is a movie meant to be experienced in the big screen. My rating may change once Part II is out (if), once I see how both stories connect.
Okay. Perhaps they needed to do more early on with Paul to get viewers more invested in the boy who’s supposed to take over. Hmm I dunno. I think Part 2 will see a stronger Paul. I think the big screen experience enhanced it. I’m sort of looking forward to going back to more movies at the theater. It wasn’t crowded. Cheers.
I’m so out of the loop these days when it comes to new movies that I didn’t even know there was a new Dune movie. Sounds like it’s worth seeing, especially on the big screen. Like you, we haven’t been inside a movie theater since about mid-2019. We’ve been reluctant to go back because of having to sit too close to someone for at least a couple of hours…still not sure when we will feel comfortable enough to go inside again, but I really want to see this one.
Hi Sam, the new movie Dune is also streaming on TV … I think it’s HBO but not totally sure. You might check for it. Still it was sort of fun to see it on the big screen and the theater was not crowded etc. I’ve been jabbed three times with vaccines and still wear masks everywhere so I feel okay & keep distance. I’ve gone galactic ha. Have a great week.
Aaaaah Willow is growing up beautifully! My labbies are so old, I don’t even want to think of a puppy. But it will happen….
My husband is very excited for Dune, I’ll probably watch it with him.
Hope you are well and having a good week, Susan!
Hi Mareli, having a 11 month old pup is new for us once again. Holy smokes. We are weary … but managing. I walk the doggies in the morning, hub walks them in the early evening … and they are with us during the day too. Ha.
See what you two think of Dune. I thought it was quite good.
Cheers – enjoy your week too.
I loved the book Passing! It’s such a good book. I wish Nella Larson had written more.
Hi Lark: I agree … I’m curious to also read Larsen’s debut novel called Quicksand … that’s her only other book I think. Cheers.
Willow looks so happy there 🙂 I didn’t think I would watch Dune but you made me want to ^^
Yeah Iza, perhaps Dune was more for the whole event of it … going out & seeing a movie on the screen. But it was pleasing enough and has some grand sets. The planet is just one big sandscape …. Enjoy.