If you like anxiety-inducing psychological thrillers, S.J. Watson’s debut bestseller “Before I Go to Sleep” hits the big screen this Friday, right in time for Halloween. It’s a spooky premise for sure, about a woman who suffers from amnesia from a traumatic accident in her past. Working with a doctor, she begins to write down what little she recalls of her life and what happened to her, but soon realizes she doesn’t know who to trust or what to believe.
The book reminded me a bit of “Shutter Island” mixed with “Fatal Attraction.” It’s a mind trip into what’s real in the woman’s life, but there’s also a dangerous person who’s leading her astray. I flew through “Before I Go to Sleep” as it’s a suspenseful page-turner, figuring out who the bad guy is and whether the woman will piece together her memories in time to save her life. A few of the characters leave or betray her in ways that keep you guessing.
I enjoyed the book, especially once I suspended my disbelief a bit about the premise and a few parts of the plot. It’s better if you just go with it. At times it gets a bit repetitive because the woman, Christine, forgets the memories of her life each night when she goes to sleep. So every morning she wakes up a confused mess not knowing who she is till her doctor calls reminding her to read the journal she’s been keeping.
It’s sad really, thinking that people exist in such states in mental facilities, where Christine in the book spends a great deal of her adult life before getting released. (Apparently the story was inspired by a real amnesiac case.) Upon release, Christine is quite the emotional wreck, as one might expect to be if you awake each day with little to no memory, so you have to work through a lot of her angst throughout the novel.
No wonder Nicole Kidman took on the role for the movie. She seems to be good in troubled, emotionally-wrought parts — a good cryer, which is necessary for the role of “Christine.” Colin Firth plays opposite Nicole in the movie, which is interesting since they recently starred together in “The Railway Man” movie. For sure, they make for a dynamic onscreen combo.

I can’t say too much more about the book’s plot in order not to give anything away, but I’m sure it’ll make for a high-octane movie. I hope to see it soon. It’ll be interesting to see if the movie stays true to the book or if it’ll change any plot lines or the ending, hmm … I’ll have to check it out to see.
If you like such thrillers, British author S.J. Watson has finished his next book “Second Life,” which will be out in the U.K. in February 2015 and will follow later in other countries. I’m sure like this one it’ll be quite an anxiety-induced ride.
How about you — have you read this book or do you plan to see the movie?
I haven’t seen the movie Before I Go to Sleep yet – but I loved the book! I think it would make an excellent movies, so I’m really hoping it’s a hit.
I’m not sure I’ll see the movie but I’ll probably read the book one of these days.
The book is outstanding. The movie has been getting absolutely shredded in the media though. I haven’t seen any of my Internet friends comment on seeing it either. It makes me nervous when that happens. If you see it, I definitely want to know what you thought of it!
As you know, I LOVED the movie…and you are right about Nicole Kidman being perfect for the role.
Definitely a movie to see…and I loved the book as well.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Oooo! Sounds very good! Thanks for sharing.
I read this when it came out and liked it. Looking forward to the movie!
Yeah it seems like most of you have read this thriller of a book & enjoyed it, but it appears the movie adaptation didn’t get very good reviews. Therefore, I could wait to see it on pay TV, or if I need a Colin Firth fix I’ll head straight to the theater!
Yes it sounds like the same author as Second Life. I might read this one someday, as you said, for a palate cleanser. Then I would see the movie because I like Nicole Kidman.