Taking a cue from Laurel over at the blog Rainy Days and Mondays, my hub and I set out last week to see the small, slice-of-life movie “I’ll See You in My Dreams.” It’s definitely the opposite of the action blockbuster fare that is out nowadays for summer, but in that way we found it to be a refreshing change.

As its distributor, Bleecker Street, puts it: “I’ll See You in My Dreams” is about a widow and former songstress, Carol, played by Blythe Danner, who’s everyday activities lose their luster after her beloved dog passes away. With the support of friends, she decides to branch out socially, starting an unlikely friendship with her pool maintenance man, going on dates with a new love interest, and reconnecting with her faraway daughter.
“I’ll See You in My Dreams” is a heartfelt, touching movie about people who feel their lives are lacking in purpose and feel pushed aside. Though it’s geared toward older audiences, it won’t only appeal to retirees. Blythe Danner, of course, really makes the movie, and does one heck of a job singing “Cry Me a River” at karaoke. I’ve always liked her in movies. I’m sure many know her from “Meet the Fockers,” but I remember her more from “Prince of Tides” in 1991 and “The Great Santini” in 1979. She always seems to play the shafted wife, which she does very well, but this time she’s a bit different in this leading role.
Anyways, I’m sure “I’ll See You in My Dreams” is not for everyone. There’s not a lot of action or drama in it and it’s a bit slower paced. But though it may seem to be simply a glimpse into an older woman’s life, it has some laughs and just the right ingredients that make for an uplifting and delightful movie. So catch it if you’re so inclined.
Besides that, I’ve been caught up in watching the Women’s World Cup soccer, which is going on throughout Canada now. The games are getting pretty close so I’m sure it’ll come down to the wire on who will win the final on July 5. I’ve been pulling for the USA and Canada, but then England had to rain on that parade by beating the host country. Still, go USA!! Then of course there’s Wimbledon, which starts this week and will trap me, too, for a couple of weeks.

But it’s not a bad way to start July. It’s hot here! Hot and dry in the West. We could use some rain. In looking ahead to books out this month, the most hotly anticipated one of course is Harper Lee’s newly discovered novel “Go Set a Watchman,” due out on July 14. Need I say more? Atticus, Scout and Jem. GET thee a COPY. I plan to reread Lee’s classic TKAMB (better known as “To Kill a Mockingbird”) before that date so I’ll be ready.

I also plan to grab Paula McLain’s new historical novel “Circling the Sun,” set in colonial Kenya of the 1920s, about record-setting aviator Beryl Markham. Are you kidding me? Ever since I read Markham’s book “West With the Night,” (one of my all-time favorites), I’ve been a huge fan of anything Beryl Markham. So this new book is very welcomed. Undoubtedly Markham was a complex person, who had a slew of love affairs; she also was a racehorse trainer, and one of the first bush pilots in Africa before becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic from east to west. As Jojo Moyes says of Markham, she was: “a woman who persistently broke the rules, despite the personal cost. She’s a rebel in her own time, and a heroine for ours.” Well said.

Lastly in books out in July, Shannon over at the blog River City Reading sparked my interest to get “The Last Pilot,” a debut by Benjamin Johncock set during the early days of the Space Race about a test pilot who’s family faces a sudden tragedy that haunts them and strains his marriage. Shannon says it’s “wonderful but also incredibly heartbreaking,” which has me thinking since I just read the saddish novel “Everything I Never Told You” maybe I should hold off and pick up something a bit happier and summery —

— such as William Finnegan’s memoir “Barbarian Days: a Surfing Life,” which could be a perfect read during this hot weather month. Finnegan’s a staff writer at The New Yorker, and this memoir is about his addiction to surfing and his lifelong adventures, chasing waves all over the world. It seems like an interesting read, and maybe could shed some light on my youth at the beaches in California.

As for movies in July, there’s another “Terminator” and “Mission Impossible” coming out, as well as another “Magic Mike.” All of which I won’t see. There’s also a new Woody Allen film called “Irrational Man” with Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone, and a movie adaptation of John Green’s book “Paper Towns.” Do you plan to see it? I’m still looking, however, for something I can sink my teeth into, perhaps Jake Gyllenhaal’s upcoming boxing film “Southpaw” will do the trick. It looks rough and down-and-out and Jake is ripped for the role. I might be sorry later but for now it’s my pick of the month.

Lastly in new albums for July, I don’t see much coming out. Singers and songwriters are already busy on the road playing concerts and summer festivals. But I do like Jason Isbell, the former member of the Drive-By-Truckers who has his fifth solo album coming out. So I’ll pick Isbell’s new album “Something More Than Free” as my pick this month.
How about you — which books, movies, or albums out this month are you most looking forward to?
Thanks for the review of I’ll See You in My Dreams…and the shout out. I’m glad you liked it.
I also enjoyed Blythe Danner in Prince of Tides.
Looking forward to getting my copy of the new Harper Lee book…and despite my recent purging, I managed to hold onto my 50th anniversary copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Enjoy your week, Susan.
That’s great Laurel. Love that you have the 50th anniversary copy of Lee’s classic. I need to go through my shelves to see if I still have it. A lot of old books around LOL.
Now that I finished The Last Pilot, I stand by the heartbreaking statement! I’d hold off if you need a break from strong emotion, but it’s definitely one to watch for.
Thanks Shannon. I’ll need to take time to gear up for that one, but I will keep it in mind. I could always use a good story set during the Space Race.
I am adding See You In My Dreams to my queue right now. It sounds exactly like the kind of movie I love. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Yes Deb. You should. I think you’d like the movie! I’ll stop by your site soon. thx
Hmmm. I haven’t heard of this “Go Set A Watchman” one. Tell me more ;).
Seriously, though, I’m not sure if I want to read it or not…maybe, but maybe not. I haven’t decided to be honest.
I am looking forward to the new Mission Impossible movie for some reason. Terminator? Meh. And Magic Mike? Um, no…just no. 🙂 Paper Towns maybe? I’m not sure.
Music? I really don’t know what’s coming out yet, so not sure there, but we’ll see.
Yeah Bryan, we’ll see about the new Lee book. You can let me know about the new Mission Impossible.
I’ll See You in my Dreams looks right up my alley!
And I’ll definitely be picking up my copy of Go Set a Watchman. Still feel a teensy bit nervous about it but mostly just excited! I’ll be picking mine up from Harper Lee’s hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. More on that later!
Great post!
Wow Darlene that’s great news. Are you making a sojourn to Monroeville? That’s very exciting. I’m mostly excited too about Go Set a Watchman.
I finally got to see Far From the Madding Crowd yesterday and loved it. My husband, on the other hand, had a hard time staying awake. I’ll See You in My Dreams is next on my list, so I appreciate your review. Maybe I should go with a friend though and leave poor hubby home 😉
As far as book go, I’ll be returning to Barsetshire with Trollope’s Framley Parsonage. Other than that,I’m not sure what I’ll be reading next month. Have a couple of books coming from the library for Paris in July. We’ll see…
Oh JoAnn: so glad you let me know about Far From the Madding Crowd. I definitely still want to see it and read it too. I’ll stop by your site to see what you’re up to next.
I have no idea what my feelings are on the new Harper Lee. I really want to read it because it’s Harper Lee. However, I really don’t want to be disappointed by it. I probably won’t decide what I will do until I read the reviews from people I trust.
I like the idea of quiet, simple movies that tell a touching story without resorting to violence, sex, or graphic language. Not that I mind any of that, but sometimes, simple is best. It sounds like I’ll See You in my Dreams perfectly fits that bill.
Have a great week, Susan!!
Thanks Michelle. I think you’d probably like the movie. As for Lee’s new book, I am too curious not to read it. Nothing can taint her classic. This is just something else. We will see.
Everyone around here has World Cup fever, except me. It’s been so hot here, you feel like you’re going to melt if you spend any time outside.
Ha. Yeah Kathy, I’ve heard it’s baking there. I admit I have big World Cup fever and think the U.S. will win.
I can’t wait to read Circling the Sun — I, too, loved West With the Night. That was the first book our book group discussed, way back in 1988! And I just got a copy of The Last Pilot, which sounds very good.
Thanks Ann. Yeah I still am so fond of West With the Night. I try to reread it every five years or so. I will pick up Circling the Sun
I didn’t realize Paula McClain had written a new book. I will look for it. I am in line at the public library for the new Harper Lee book, but will have to wait my turn.
Yes. I plan to pounce on Paula McLain’s new book soon. I hope you have luck at your library getting Harper Lee’s new book! Thanks Anne
You asked me about BOOK BINGO. I found it on the BOTNS Website (http://bullshitbingo.net). If you go to the site you can click the button and you will get a different board than mine. Have fun!
Oh thanks for the info, Anne. I will check it out!